Oct 26, 2010

Makes You Wonder

I just got an e-mail from Slow Food USA which starts with the following statement of outrage with regard to the FDA's response to the recent egg contamination problem:

The largest ever egg recall, then this from the FDA: "Failure to take prompt corrective action may result in regulatory action being initiated by the FDA without further notice." Are they serious? A warning letter is all you get for spreading disease across the nation?

The e-mail caused me to wonder about another e-mail I had just received from the Weston A. Price Foundation soliciting help for a small farm in Missouri.

This is the story in brief from the website set up to collect financial help for Morningland Dairy which stands to lose a quarter of a million dollars if their cheese is destroyed.

Morningland Dairy, Mountain View, MO, is under orders by the FDA and the Milk Board to destroy 50,000 lbs of cheese that has never been tested for pathogens. Morningland Dairy is just the latest attempt by the FDA to fulfill the Healthy People 2020 objective to kill raw dairy.

Morningland is owned by Joseph and Denise Dixon, who operate the cheese plant and make raw cheese from cows kept right on the property and managed by one of their eldest daughters. They have 12 children, 4 of who still live at home, and they have been actively engaged in real food for three decades.

They were caught up in the Rawesome Raid dragnet and many believe the questionable California Dept of Food and Agriculture tests on their cheese are the legal justification for the multi-agency guns drawn raid at Rawesome. The FDA is trying very hard to kill our nation’s local food supply.

By the way, you read that right – the Rawsome food club was raided with guns drawn.

The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund is providing legal assistance to the owners of Morningland Dairy.   Makes me glad I am a member.

Big supplier of eggs that make people sick gets a warning letter; farmers producing cheese that has not made anyone sick get run out of business. Hmm….makes you wonder; doesn't it?


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1 comment:

  1. unfair, really unfair. Whats wrong with this people? sick I think=(



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