Apr 28, 2010

Weston A. Price Foundation - Little Rock Chapter

“Don’t eat anything your great-great-grandmother wouldn't have recognized as food.”

I confess I don’t know who is originally credited with saying this, but it must have been a wise person. Just think about it, what would our great-great-grandparents think if they walked through a modern grocery store?

Our family decided several years ago to make some serious changes in our diet for the sake of health. We had no idea at the time how hooked we would get on “real food” and how unappetizing many things that we had been eating would become. My teenagers blanch at the words “fast food,” because they know how it makes them feel if they eat it and how much better they feel when they make better choices. Since we gave up a significant amount of modern foods and replaced them with traditional whole foods, we have seen much improvement in our health. Most notable have been the deliverance from seasonal allergy medications and from stomach remedies.

Recently, I made friends with several other women whose families have also switched to a traditional nutrient-dense diet. We decided we would love to connect with others in our area that are making or are ready to make the same kind of changes, so we activated a Little Rock chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is a nonprofit tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 which is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the American diet. The organization promotes traditional whole foods based on the findings of Dr. Weston Price who extensively studied the diets of healthy nonindustrialized peoples during the 1930’s.

In addition to nutrition and food preparation education, WAPF supports organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock and community-supported farms. The Weston A. Price Foundational also encourages natural alternative health practices.

Our local chapter is developing plans for support meetings, workshops, nutrition education, and mentors. We want to connect you with local food providers, share ways to purchase good food economically, teach you to prepare nutrient-dense whole foods, and help you find local conventional and alternative practitioners who are supportive of your nutritional and healthcare choices. This is an opportunity for all of us to connect and learn with like-minded people. You are welcome at whatever stage along the path to healthy eating that you currently find yourself, even if it is just a glimmer of hope in the back of your mind. We’ll help you take the first step toward truly nourishing yourself and your family.

If you would like to receive e-mail notices regarding local WAPF events, be connected with a mentor, or you have questions about healthy eating and finding food locally, please contact me. I would be glad to help you.

Lisa Lipe
Weston A. Price Foundation Little Rock Chapter Leader

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