From over 59 sessions to choose, believe me, it was tough choosing which sessions to attend. Even though I attended the conference, I bought the MP3 files for two reasons: to listen again as well as listen the first time to sessions I didn't attend.
Sessions I attended and would recommend listening to:
Traditional cooking by Tara Rayburn. I heard the last 45 minutes of her talk because I worked the regstration table. She shared tips on how to make food prettier, or easier to get kids to eat. Processed foods enhance flavors with chemicals; I need to do it with herbs and essential oils. Someone in the audience gave a tip for making icing: blend together avocado, maple syrup, and cocoa powder to taste. It will darken over time as avocado oxidizes. I’m looking forward to listening to the entire talk.
Gut & Psychology/Phisiology Syndrome Part 2 by Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, HMC, CCH. It was very interesting. I’ve read about GAPS and was interested in hearing Natasha speak. She is a convincing speaker. People suffering from digestive issues would benefit from this information. She said if a child is a picky eater, only craving sweets or processed foods, the child probably needs the GAPS diet. I think I have relatively good gut health but will eventually listen to all three of her talks.
The Greater Good. Excellent documentary on vaccines. I want to get a group together to watch it. Leslie Manookian, writer and producer of the documentary said it streamed free from a few weeks ago and will stream again soon on another site. Sign up for The Greater Good email list and find out when and where.
Obesity Myths by Ben Pratt. From the session overview, “...restricting energy intake and increasing daily activity has long been known as the ultimate solution...(he will) expose the myths behind our dietary and activity soutions that have yet to bring about change."
Industrial Sweeteners Myths by Russ Bianchi. He didn't score points from me when he said, "now I'm going to read my notes" and read them exclusively. I decided to walk the exhibition hall and talk to exhibitors. I bought liverwurst. I will listen to this session again. Many people said he had good information.
Salt Myths by Mortin Satin, PhD. My big take away from this talk is that today we eat half the amount of salt as people before refrigeration and WWII. Listening recommended. He showed convincing slides, that could be helpful for visual learners. At the end of the talk he made this observation, “in the hospital you’re given 5.5 times daily recomended salt via intravenous saline drip but blood pressure typically remains the same. Why is that? The body can handle the salt. What about swollen fingers after eating at an Asian restaurant? This would be a spike in your salt consumption, it is not hypertension.”
Nutrition and Mental Health Health Topics by Pentti Nupponen, DMD. He talked about our exposures to toxins (specifically mercury) and how we get so sick. In his second talk, he gave solutions. Listening recommended. He was an entertaining speaker. I want to take this talk to my dentist, as well as a copy of Dr. Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Fat Myths by Chris Masterjohn. I sat through the entire session but didn’t take notes; Chris is pursuing a PhD so this talk was a bit technical. Chris is an entertaining speaker but you must engage your brain. He helped separate fact from fiction when it comes to good fats versus bad fats. “It is overall nutrient density and nutrient bioavailablity of the diet, however, and not the specific content of the fat, that produces health.”
Keynote address by Joseph Mercola, MD. Dr. Mercola is an easy speaker to follow; he is clear in presenting ideas, uses illustrations and stories, and his slides were helpful. I recommend listening to this talk. Be advised he tries to sell a few of his products half way through his talk (no surprise if you are a Mercola follower).
Healthy Pregnancy by Sally Fallon-Morell. EVERY woman of childbearing age should listen to this talk. I was familiar with a lot of the information; however I still learned tons. I will make a copy of this talk and give it to my OB/GYN.
Fever: A Child’s Best Friend by Tom Cowan, MD. Everyone would benefit from this session. It will compel you to allow fevers, not just in children. I haven't used Tylenol in years and was convinced even more that this was the right thing to do after hearing Dr. Cowan. He told many stories; I didn’t take many notes but learned much. My takeaway sentence: A fever is not the problem but the therapeudic response.
In addition to the sessions mentioned above I look forward to hearing the following sessions when my MP3 files arrive in the mail. Not all sessions are mentioned. A complete list of sessions can be found here.
Sally Fallon-Morell - Traditional Diets
Stephanie Seneff, PhD - Nutrition and Metabolism
Jessica Prentice - Broth Based Soups and Stews
Denise Minger - The China Study Myths
Judith McGeary, Esq - Farm and Food Activism (I heard her speak passionately at the banquet)
Sally Pacholock, RN and Jeffrey Stuart, DO - Vitamin B12
Pam Schoenfield, RD - Vitamin B6
Howard Vlieger - GMOs and Mammal Health
Chris Masterjohn - Vitamin K
Sarah Pope - Infant Care and the WAPF Formula
April Renee - Vaccinations
Jacques Coulet, PhD - The Importance of Trace Minerals
Louisa Williams, MS, ND - Radical Medicine
Monica Corrado - Cooking Nutrient Dense Liver an Enzyme-Rich Raw Meat! (I interacted briefly with Monica around the question of soaking beans during one lunch. I was impressed with this animated teacher at heart. PLUS she helped coordinate and oversee the menu for the conference. Amazing.)
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with Kelly the Kitchen Kop |
-What I learned at the 2011 conference
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Julie fainting to meet Cheeseslave |
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