Dec 30, 2013

Probiotics Worksop {Lacto-fermenting + kombucha + kefir}

The new year is a perfect time to begin to incorporate new foods to your diet.

You are invited to a workshop on making probiotic foods on Saturday, January 4 from 9-11am.  This is an opportunity to taste a variety of lacto-fermented foods and to learn to economically add probiotic, nutrient-dense food to your diet (even while in college), as well as asking questions regarding traditional foods.  

College students will be having a breakout time to discuss how to thrive in college on a special diet.  It is very important for these students to be able to network and encourage one another on their journey.  Younger students will stay with parent.

We will be making lacto-fermented vegetables that students can prepare in their dorm room, as well as making kombucha, and water kefir.  Because water kefir is growing in its popularity and people on a dairy-free diet can benefit from this drink, we will have different flavors of water kefir to sample that taste kind of like KeVita.

You will go home armed with both a kombucha SCOBY and water kefir grains, new friends in the real food journey, and confident to start making your own probiotics, at college or at home

The teacher is my good friend, Diane Loftness.  She has a wealth of knowledge of real food and healthy living.  Growing up on a farm in Kansas, she has been eating and preparing traditional foods her entire life.  Within recent years she and her family have been eating grain free and experienced healing from eating according to the GAPS diet.

This workshop will be in Diane's home near Conway.  There will be a limit of 10 families. Cost is $25 per person or $30 per family, non-refundable, in advance to hold your spot.  Please email Diane soon if you would like to participate; the last two workshops she hosted sold out: dloftness AT gmail DOT com


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